SSDI/Medicare Recipients – Learn More About How to Protect Eligibility

Medicare and Social Security Disability Income (hereinafter SSDI) benefits are not income or asset sensitive. If you meet Social Security's definition of disability and have paid in enough quarters you can receive disability benefits without regard to your financial situation. SSDI is funded by the workforce's contribution into FICA (social security) or self-employment taxes. Workers earn credits based on their work history and a worker must have enough credits to get SSDI benefits should they become disabled. Medicare is a federal health insurance program. Medicare entitlement commences two years after the date of disability under Social Security's definition. Medicare coverage is available without regard to your finances.

If you have Medicare coverage, you may need to address the Medicare Secondary Payer ("MSP") statute. The MSP is a series of statutory provisions enacted during the 1980s as part of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act with the goal of reducing federal health care costs. The MSP provides that if a primary payer exists, Medicare only pays for medical treatment relating to an injury to the extent that the primary payer does not pay. In certain cases a Medicare Set Aside is required in order to preserve future eligibility for Medicare coverage.